


BCM » Historial » Revisió 3

Revisió 2 (Axel Neumann, 07-11-2017 14:21) → Revisió 3/8 (Anònim, 07-11-2017 19:56)

h1. BCM 

 h2. Architecture Components 

 * Block Chain Node 
 * COTS Node 
 * Internet GW Node 
 * Client Node 

 h2. Block Chain Consensus 

 * PoV 
 > * Order of recursion depth 
 > * Instance particularity 
 > * Identity mapping/control 

 h2. BMX7 / Semtor features 

 * Self signed identites 
 * Signed node Profiles 
 > * Public key 
 > * List of trusted nodes 
 > * List of supported nodes 
 > * Path metric function and parametrization 
 > * Tunnel announcements 
 * Identity proven addresses (CGA) 
 * Trusted paths set (destination address driven) 

 h2. Challenges 

 * QoS Reservation 
 * Path changes 
 * Clustering 
 * Transaction recording traffic